Royalty-free 200 songs BGM MP3

Series: ロイヤリティフリーBGM
Dealers: Meat MP
File: zip, mp3
Replay time: 0 seconds

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It is a BGM collection of royalty-free commercial can become your self-made videos, indie film, YouTube, net CM available.
More on the XO TV YouTube and for indie film made about 200 songs. -Ambient 30 song and Ballad 15 songs, Piano, 20 songs and Cinema 30 songs and Pop songs 30 music-box 10 song & Dance 5 songs and Comedy 25 songs and Guitar 10 5 song song, Rock, and Sachs (indie film) 11 songs and other kb961367 bitrate format: Please use for 128 kbps 16 bit sample rate:44.1KHz stereo ※ ZIP file, unzip.