Turn you into a magical word-work version [005]

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Magically transform you into a term-life

Worries in life... and get lost.
Well, you.
Changing your magic word!

released as an iPhone / iPad / Android e-book apps
If anyone living things.
Over the ages, it eventually "worries and confusion, suffering",
Minus all about will be to fill their emotions through heavily. Please look back at childhood.
Don't think "fun things" you will like a lot?
I think this is way I am sure over time "worries and confusion" but never got around. However, what now?
At such times, words to save you.
Change your words.
Words soul and is called "soul".
Word has power that people instantly by words, transform.
Were lost, while sometimes, why "words-life chapter of the plane magically transform you into a"
Open the. I'm going to be your cheer you can find my new.

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