Plate loading test of soil [SA-03]

Product number: SA-03
Dealers: 想アーキテクツ
File: mp4
Replay time: About 12 minute

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Product Information

Soil survey method to reflect the underlying design, but rather a plate loading test in the construction field digging test according to on-site construction time la lot will be adopted if the to check against the Foundation footings under or Sorrento プルコンクリート tolerance support force of structural design of numerical examples, reflect the characteristics of in-situ tests.

Extremely limited opportunity for plate loading test is generally shallow familiar look to illustrate, this content has become very valuable footage.

Because exhaustive series of withdrawal from a reaction force and measurement equipment installation, can be to understand more about the whole trial. It uses steel beams and large blocks rather than using heavy equipment commonly used in the reaction force, to conform to the provisions.