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【Wet】Soaking-12 ps

【Wet】Soaking-12 ps
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15530.10MB 75,950kbps 約27m possible impossible
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[SOAKED WOMAN ~Thrilled to see you in a suit~]

If you get wet from the water gun, pour a bucket of hot water over it! (The expression on her face after pouring hot water on it is cute.)

The black shadow striped pants suit gradually absorbs hot water and becomes shiny black.

Then, when I let my hair up and the atmosphere changed, I poured hot water over my head again and hid my face with my hair like Sadako.

After playing in the bathtub, I played in the jacuzzi and even soaked my head in it!

Please take a look at "Sanatsun" who enjoys extraordinary life with a wonderful smile!

*The main story does not contain subtitles.