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DECADE Shiraishi Hitomi

DECADE Shiraishi Hitomi
File List
Replay sample video clip.
File Size Image quality Replay Time Streaming Download
135.77MB 700kbps 約25m possible impossible
111.33MB 650kbps 約22m possible impossible
123.93MB 550kbps 約30m possible impossible

Announcement of the Windows Media Player support end
Support end July 15, 2015 files that use WMDRM in Windows Media Player I was no longer able to play.Please be played in streaming.Please to play by installing this player if you want to download

Product Information

Reborn in the new standard for Mosaic! -Classic and now we show the decline, dominated the 1 world as in 1991, the eternal pretty sailor "Hitomi Shiraishi" neat and Eros, rare is the first case, package, edit, and mosaic DECADE EXCELLENT series reborn new DECADE is strangely erotic scene with too much makeup or "Hitomi" attractions.